Reflective Practice Groups Evaluation

Two logos, one for Flourishing LIves, the other for The Baring Foundatio with text underneath which reads Evaluation of Flourishing LIves Reflective Practice Groups

September 2022

Last year Flourishing Lives commissioned me to undertake an evaluation into a set of Reflective Practice Groups specifically funded by The Baring Foundation. The report published in September 2022 is focused on the experiences of participants who each took part in up to 3 facilitated reflective practice groups, with perspectives from the therapist facilitators and the partner organisations.

This report will be useful to anyone interested in accessing or providing opportunities for reflection within the participatory arts sector: creative practitioners, commissioners and funders of participatory arts, and creative, operational and leadership teams within organisations.

The report covers:

  • A selection of evidence-based foundations of what Reflective Practice can do, and its interconnected benefits including: providing space for deep thinking, preventing stagnation, promoting self-awareness and providing a means for constructing professional knowledge - all of which have been indicated across this evaluation

  • The need for skilled and experienced professionals to hold the role of facilitator

  • The ways in which participants felt a positive impact in a number of interlinked ways: a strong sense of commonality developed through opportunities to engage with in-depth exploration and connection with colleagues, supporting established teams and those who had newly joined organisations.

You can download the full report, access a recording of the report launch and view the slide deck here. You can read about The Baring Foundation annoucement here

Image showing a quote. “Reflective Practice can provide interconnected benefits including: space for deep thinking, preventing stagnation, promoting self-awareness and providing a means for constructing professional knowledge.”
Nicola Naismith