Postures of Making

Postures of Making
2015 - 2017
Research and Development Collaboration with Dr Valerie Woods
Postures of Making was a research and development project centred on working collaboratively with ergonomics scientist Dr Valerie Woods. It grew from a body of work Posture (2015 - 2016) where I drew people engaged in everyday activities. It led me to consider the impact certain activities have on the body including that of the arts practitioner which became the focus for Postures of Making. To develop a way of working we used two of my existing artworks, Fingers Collars and Office to ergonomically analyse. These explorations were complimented with two focus groups held at Firstsite and National Centre for Craft and Design, and studio visits to practitioners working in a range of practices. The project blog mapped reflections, thinkings and explorations of work in progress.
Postures of Making was supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, restaurant Pied à Terre and Norfolk County Council Arts Project Fund.